
Showing posts from April 22, 2012


In this game you play the part of Phillip of Macedon as you try to gain hegemony (strangely enough) over large parts of Greece. You start off in control of just one city and look to expand while being surrounded by enemies who want to destroy you but have no interest in fighting each other. This makes for a very difficult journey. There are many differences between this and standard strategy games that you might want to compare it too. Firstly cities are not upgraded with different buildings. You can build a wall around them and occasionally send migrants into them to increase their population but that is it. Gold and food are the only 2 resources in the game. You get food from farms and this is used to feed your troops. Gold is obtained from cities and mines and is used for troop upkeep. It does not cost any gold to train new troops but replacing losses is made difficult instead by cities have a limited supply of recruits which refills slowly. This can make wars an interesting battl