A-Z backlog challenge: Dead Age

Dead age is one of quite a few zombie games released in the last few years which sees you gathering a group, improving a base/town and improving your teams equipment as you face greater challenges and attempt to survive or escape to safety. There are various locations to explore. Each one has 20 zones with progressively harder enemies. There are a decent variety here, including zombies, wild animals, other unfriendly groups of survivors (referred to as punks) as well as soldiers. Fights are fought out in turn based fashion much like in Final Fantasy 7 (as the developers mention in the steam page). You can attack with either melee or ranged weapon, use one of your combat skills or use an item from your inventory. After each battle you get semi-random loot such as armor, ammo, food or medical supplies or a random event where you can choose how to act to potentially get rewards as well. Many of these have a chance to succeed based on which skills you have upgraded on your...