A-Z Backlog challenge: Last federation

The Last federation is a RTS by Arcen games . They are known for creating asynchronous games with strange starting and win conditions. Their best known game is probably AI war: Fleet command which saw you starting from the point where humans have lost the war and you are so weak that the AI can't even be bothered to completely wipe you out of existance. You had to slowly build up your technology, manufacturing and fleet without alerting it to your strength too early or it would crush you like a bug. They also made a game called Skyward collapse where you played a God trying to keep the balance between different warring tribes on your world so that one didn't complete annihilate the other(s). In the Last Federation you play the last of the Hydrans. Your homeworld has been destroyed by one of the races and your mission is to create a federation which will bring peace to the galaxy. You first need to steal a prototype ship to get you around. You can choose who to steal from-...