Clear the backlog K,L,M (part2)
Didn't quite finish Knights of Pen and paper . I'm on the last dungeon- at least it says it's the last dungeon. Who knows with this crazy game. Was finding the fights pretty tough o went back to town for some equipment and decided to leave it for another day. Chapter 5 of Law and Order was a little disappointing. Didn't find the case very interesting. It had a couple of twists but a bit cliched. The voice acting of an old woman playing a young boy was also really poor and distracting. Hopefully the final 2 will be better. No offers for my legend in PES so I'll be slogging it out in the championship again. 9 games in we're not too far from the top 6 so maybe it is achievable. I've tried to play more of an attacking game and I got my first hat-trick. Watt is a good striker I just wish we had an equally good partner for him and better attacking midfielder. The defense and goalkeeper are pretty solid. Maybe if I can get the team up the rankings a bit some ...