
Showing posts from February 26, 2017

A-Z Backlog challenge: Mafia 2

With Mafia 3 being such a high profile release recently, it seemed like a good idea to finally play through it's predecessor to see how it holds up after 6 years. I was pleasantly surprised as I was expecting a low budget version of a GTA series type game. In Mafia 2 you play the part of Vito Scallone. Most of the game is set in the fictional city of Liberty bay although you spend some time in Italy during World War 2 (which plays out as a kind of tutorial) and later in a prison outside of town when one of your crimes catches up on you. I like that it not just all out excitement and a meteoric rise which seemingly glamourises the lifestyle. It feels more realistic with the early part of the game including mundane tasks such as selling stolen food ration stamps and even mid game you are taxed with selling a truckload of cigarette cartons bit by bit. Later as you move up the ranks you will have rivalries with other families and other gangs which will become increasingly