Pillars of Eternity
I haven't done a review for a while because I've been playing this for a while. I'm near the end of Act 2 and think I'm going to take a break from it until the expansions are discounted and then play through those and act 3 and 4. Anyone who has played Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale will find the look and feel of the game very recognisable. Instead of playing the child of a God you are (or become) a Watcher- one who is able to look into the souls of the dead and living and get a glimpse of their past. The story is set in a time where for some reason children are being born soulless (hollowborn) and usually die soon after. You are trying to discover why you have the powers you do and also what is causing the hollowborn problem. Pillar of Eternity doesn't use the DnD rules so had to create their own classes, spells, rules etc. Like most modern crpgs they use a d100 rather than d20 system and I think the choice to use grazes- 50% damage and duration on spells at ...