A-Z backlog challenge: Jedi Academy

My first experience of The Jedi Knight series of first person shooters began in 1995 with Dark Forces on the PS1. I've found it quite hard to play most of them again recently. The old school focus on searching levels thoroughly and finding secrets in obscure places bored me. I also didn't enjoy the visual rather than gameplay focus of the Force Unleashed series. Jedi Academy seems to be a good balance between the two. You play as a new recruit to the Jedi Academy. You can choose from both genders and from various races form the Star wars universe. You also get to design your own lightsaber- at the start hilt and color, later in the game also whether to use a single bladed, dual bladed or to dual-wield two lightsabers. To move up the Jedi Ranks, there are groups of 5 missions, of which you must complete 4. It's good that you can skip one if you find it particularly boring or difficult. Between these groups of missions there are compulsory missions which tell the ma...