
Showing posts from March 5, 2017

A-Z backlog challenge: Papers, Please

Ever wanted to have the power as well as the awesome responsibility of an immigration officer, deciding the fate of the unfortunate souls who have spent hours queuing to get into a fictional country. No? That might change after reading this review. The nuts and bolts of the game are you scrutinizing the documents and stories of those appearing in front of you and stamping approved and denied. You need to check for details such as correct sex, passports numbers, cities where documents were issued and correct ministry stamps. You get paid per person you correctly deal with so it's a race against the clock as your salary aint great and you have bills to pay- food, rent, heat and sometimes medicine. The game makes the mundane interesting by including people offering you different bribes, telling you sob stories and later making you side either with the government or a group which is looking to bring them down. This is a game that was hugely praised by critics when i

A-Z Backlog challenge: Offworld trading company

Offworld Trading Company was one of my recommendations in my post on Steam deals in February. Having now completed a campaign I am going to go into more depth into my thoughts on it. In this game you play the CEO of a company that has been given right to set up on an area of Mars. You will mine minerals, produce food, energy and water for your HQ and the human settlement nearby and basically look to dominate your competitors through fair or foul means. At the start of the scenario you will scan the area to see what resources are plentiful and scarce and decide where to place your HQ. You need to decide whether to take the first plot that looks decent, or whether to keep looking for something better. Knowledge is power but if you leave it too late the best spots could all be taken. Your HQ starts at level 1 with only a few land claims which you use to claim a tile to place a building on. You generally want to start by bringing in minerals which allow you to upgrade your HQ as qui

A-Z Backlog challenge: Northmark: Hour of the wolf

I am a big fan of Collectible card games and think more should be made which are single-player focused rather than the online multiplayer ones which always seem to get their pricing structures wrong and become pay-to-win. Unfortunately this one has a few too many ideas that have been abandoned or just don't work. The story is a pretty overused one. After the Duke is poisoned you uncover a plot to weaken the alliance between man, Elves and Dwarves. You are tasked with travelling across the land to piece the alliance back together and discovering who is behind the treachery. Although the plot is pretty boring, I enjoyed the writing which was quite amusing. There is a world map with various locations where you meet different characters, fight battles and find shops to buy new cards from. Inside those locations there are also some hidden treasures and some lootboxes with riddles which need to be answered (much like in Betrayal at Krondor). You can choose to be e