
Showing posts from April 9, 2017

A-Z backlog challenge: Unholy Heights Review

Unholy Heights is a fun game which takes ideas from many different games or genres and combines it into a simple to learn, yet at times quite challenging package. You play as the devil and are looking to entice tenants to come to your building to give you money in the form of rent, as well as to protect your stash of gold from adventurers. This is an idea that has been done before in games such as Dungeon keeper but this has a different style and different features which make it unique. You start with what looks like a very cheap motel which can only accommodate four tenants but by the end of the game it will become a four story dwelling of sixteen. There are a number of different types of monsters who will come a look for a place such as elementals, demons, demi-humans and chimarae.  They all have differing stats: hit points, attack, physical defense and magic defense. They also attack from different ranges: melee, medium range, long range and super long range.