Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

In Nexus you play Marcus Cromwell, a ship captain who gets brought into a interstellar war. You start out with 1 ship and over time control a larger fleet which you can upgrade with a number of different types of weapons and other systems -shields, ecm, engines,  energy batteries etc. You will meet rogue corporations, alien races and rogue A.Is during this epic journey.

This seems really fun but unfortunately some types of weapons seem underpowered and because you don't get resources refunded when you remove parts you cannot change strategies quickly. For example light lasers only destroy systems when shields are not existent or down. In most missions you are fighting many enemies so destroying individual weapons systems is pointless when it takes fairly long to take down the shields and much less time to destroy ships hulls. There are also missions where you need specific systems or weapons but the briefings don't give any indication of this. You therefore need to either check a walkthrough or try a few times through trial and error.

The graphics at times look good especially for a game from 10+ years ago. However at times it is difficult to follow what is happening in the battles due to solar glare and all the weapons fire and explosions.

Some missions are also fairly repetitive with you having to focus all anti-shield weapons on one target, then changing to hull weapons then moving onto the next and this continuing until all are dead. Once the first ship or 2 are dead it becomes very easy as the remaining don't have the firepower to do any damage to you.

 The main problem though is the amount of bugs in the game. It will crash if you destroy ships in a different order to expected or even just having ships in a different position to where it expects them to be when events trigger. In the second to last mission I had more than 100 crashes. If I wasn't so close to the end I would have abandoned it. For this reason it's hard to recommend it despite the cheap price, fairly unique gameplay and interesting story.


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