
Showing posts from 2012

Warlock- Master of the Arcane

Warlock- master of the arcane is a turn- based strategy game which has you (as one of pre- made wizards or a custom made one) trying to gain domination over the world introduced in the Majesty series. You do so by building and upgrading cities, building and upgrading units and casting spells to help your cities, your units, or harm your opponents. Although this is a game about destroying your opponents there is some light diplomacy. In my first game the first two wizards I met were at war with each other so I signed a non- aggression pact with the one (the cyan coloured empire in picture) which later became an alliance (of course I later double crossed him when it looked like he might become too strong) so we could fight together against the third wizard (the green one). As you can see in the top left there are 4 resources. From left to right they are gold, food, mana and research. Gold is used to train units and their upkeep, food for citizens in your cities and many units upke


In this game you play the part of Phillip of Macedon as you try to gain hegemony (strangely enough) over large parts of Greece. You start off in control of just one city and look to expand while being surrounded by enemies who want to destroy you but have no interest in fighting each other. This makes for a very difficult journey. There are many differences between this and standard strategy games that you might want to compare it too. Firstly cities are not upgraded with different buildings. You can build a wall around them and occasionally send migrants into them to increase their population but that is it. Gold and food are the only 2 resources in the game. You get food from farms and this is used to feed your troops. Gold is obtained from cities and mines and is used for troop upkeep. It does not cost any gold to train new troops but replacing losses is made difficult instead by cities have a limited supply of recruits which refills slowly. This can make wars an interesting battl

Men of War

I saw the 1c company box set of 41 items for $100 doesn't have the loads of crummy dlc bits and pieces that other publishers have which makes the bulk buying less of a bargain so I thought i'd give it a go.The Men of war series is one which features prominently so here's my review of the first one. This WWII game has a few different campaigns to choose from including a German and American one. I went for the Russian one because I like the idea of being the underdog.  It tells the story of two young friends who were enlisted, as were almost all young, able bodied males in the country. The first mission gets you used to controlling a few infantry and then a single tank. Unlike in many rts games you have to pay attention to issues such as ammo and even fuel. You also can't be gung- ho as a single anti- tank grenade can end the missions for you. The second mission changes things up again as you have to hold out against a german onslaught until the workers have loaded th

Confrontation- pc review

Confrontation is a board game conversion which I hoped would be the multiplayer competitive rpg/strategy I've been waiting for. Magic the Gathering tactics went the same route as Pox Nora in terms of being Freemium (pay-to win) so I was glad to see a game where everyone will be on a equal playing field. At the moment I haven't had a chance to play the multi-player so will just be reviewing the single player.  You control a party of up to four members. There is standard rpg fare such as experience points and levelling. As you level up you select which attributes to upgrade. Unlike in many rpgs of late you cannot choose which skills to learn but you can decide which skills to improve. Again unlike many similar games your units can't spam skills as their stamina/faith/mana is used up very quickly. You therefore must decide whether to focus on certain skills which you'll use often or to split evenly amongst skills and then use whichever seems to be most useful for that

Dungeon Siege

Bought the Dungeon Siege box a while back. Played Dungeon siege 1 and 2 before but I'm not sure whether I finished either of them. Thought I'd start with Dungeon siege one to get a reminder of the storyline and see if it could still be recommended after all these years. At a time when Diablo clones were prevalent, Dungeon siege was different, in that you can have a party of up to six members.   The plot isn't really the strong point. You are a lowly farmer and creatures that have not attacked humans for a long time suddenly start to. For the next few hours you are going to try find out who or what is behind it and why. At the beginning you start out with strength, dexterity and intelligence at 10. Strength mainly effects your hit points, dexterity your armor and intelligence your mana. You also have the 4 skills below which increase with use. Melee and range skills effect your accuracy with weapons whereas increasing your magic skills effect the spells you us

MLB 2k11

Hadn't played a baseball game since EA sports MVP which I didn't think much buy enjoyed some on old consoles. With MLB 2k12 being released the older version was available for $10 so thought I'd give it a go. Many people have complained at how difficult it is and I certainly did find it that way at first. I only got about 1 hit in my first 20 at bats and 1 in my first 40. But I stuck with it and by the end of season 1 was up to close to .250. The fact that both you are going to improve and your in game attributes improve to make things easier is something people seem to ignore and instead bitch and moan. By season 2 I had changed over to all star level because I was hitting over .300. Fielding is also prett difficult at first as your player is slow and with low catching ability lets the ball seemingly go right through him. The sudden changes in camera angle as the ball is coming to you can also be problematic. Other things people have had issues with is the fact that

NBA 2k12

Started playing on My player mode and thought I'd share my thoughts on the game so far. The presention seems good. I like the half time reports telling you what is going on in other matches at the time and coming up. I also really like the news reports between games telling you about possible trades, players being promoted and demoted etc. In terms of the on court action the controls seem pretty good and the points scored by each teammate is quite similar to reall life which is good. I created a 6'9 Small forward and focussed on defense. Will try start as a Rodman type player and then become more like Pippen once scoring abilities improve. It's pretty tought though as you start pretty slow, weak and with a poor vertical leap. I got drafted by the Knicks which I was happy about. I figured with Lin, Stoudamire and Carmelo when I improved the team would be good. Early on I managed to get 5 rebound and 5 assist games. Recently my best one was 10 points, 8 rebounds and