Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

I was surprised to find that this came out earlier than World at War. In a lot of ways I found this the more enjoyable game.

There is a  nice variety of settings as you- following the story of a British and American soldier- travel the globe dealing with threats to modern civilisations. You will find yourself fighting in desserts, on ships and in many urban environments. 

The main plot surrounds a terrorist in the Middle East and. ironically considering the current situation in Ukraine, an ultranationalist threat in Russia. It's cool to have fictional bad guys rather than just generic German and Japanese soldiers.

I enjoyed the smaller scale of fighting and the AI of allies and enemies is very impressive. Sometimes they will be cautious, only occasionally peering out from hiding whereas at other times they will charge at you.

What was a little disappointing is that the weapons used feel very similar to those in the Second World War. , Machine guns, pistols and sniper rifles all feel very similar. You also again find yourself fighting alongside tanks and calling in air strikes.

The hi-tech things you come across are only part of the plot not part of the action itself.

For a ten year old game, this holds up very well. If you are a fan of first person shooters, this is not a bad way to spend $10.

Release date: 2007
Rating: 77
Normal Price: $19.99
Best Sale price: $9.99



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