
Dishonored is another massive game that I didn't get around to at the time. How does this game hold up five years after release? Was it worthy of all the hype and multiple game of the year awards?

There is a lot to like about the game. The murder of a queen and saving the princess from those looking to exploit her is certainly not an original plot but the world that had been created is a really interesting one. It is revealed to you through large levels which are full of content. Most combine outdoor areas and buildings but some focus more on one than the other. You are not going to run into the multiple invisible walls and buildings which you aren't able to enter which are so common in most games of this type.

In each level you have to eliminate a target. The most obvious way is to kill everyone in between you and the target and then them as well. The other option is to focus on stealth and avoid as many enemies as possible and occasionally to use your wits and convince those around you to help you.

While exploring levels you will, as well as side quests, find a lot of equipment, items to sell and runes and bone charms.

Your arsenal of weapons includes swords, knives, pistols, a crossbow as well as bombs and traps. Between levels you can use the money you collected to buy more equipment or upgrade the equipment you already have.

What makes this game different to games such as Thief and Assassin's Creed is the mystical powers. The runes you find can be used for new powers and to upgrade your powers. These include being able to teleport, improved jumping ability, possessing animals and slowing time.

The powers give you more options of how to deal with situations . I can understand some of the criticism that but none are really necessary. Normally in a RPG you have to explore every inch to gain xp from the quests to boost your levels plus find equipment to deal with increasingly difficult foes. In this you don't really need to do so- the game doesn't really become more difficult- you are doing it because of the enjoyment of discovering what has been created.

Although I enjoyed the world and the level design, some of the gameplay doesn't quite reach the same level. Whenever I was discovered, dispatching enemies either with sword or crossbow was pretty dull. For this reason I'm going to give this a slightly lower rating than one might expect. Still, for the price you can now get it at, it is well worth experiencing.

Release Date: 2012
Rating: 78
Normal price: $9.99
Best sale price: $2.49


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