Unity of command

This is the second of the Panzer general type games I played in the A-Z challenge. The first one was
Frontline- Road to Moscow.

This is a mobile game port and their aren't that many missions. Like Panzer general it's a turn based hex strategy where you have a certain number of turns to capture strategic locations (usually cities or towns)

You play as either the Germans or Russians. In most you are searching for weakpoints so you can break through the lines, surround enemies if possible and then head for the objectives. In others it is a bit more open and you must rush to objectives but making sure you don't get flanked and cut off yourself.

In the campaign you get points after each mission depending on how well you did. You can use these points in later missions to requisition additional units.

I think the best thing about it is the supply system. If you are out of supply range then your units become less effective. After 3 turns they are completely useless- can't fire, can't move. It makes sense as in WW2 if you had no resupply by train or air you would run out of ammo and fuel and be screwed.

The worst thing is the rng element. More so than other games of its type it seems that you can wildly different results from the exact same attack situation (eg from 3 damage dealt 0 taken to 0 damage done 1 taken). With the strict time limit in terms of turns allowed for quickest victory to get access to all the other missions in the campaign leads to a lot of frustration and reloading.

It's a little hard to say whether to recommend this. It has been as low as $3 dollars on sale so if you like this kind of game it may be worth picking up for that and seeing if you like it enough to buy the extra campaigns. There are several better, albeit more expensive, similar options though.

Rating: 5.8/10
Steam Price $19.99 (sale price $2.99)


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